Friday, August 7, 2009

"The Wheels of the Bus go Round and Round....."

As the year approaches, I am always excited to see what the new year brings. Monday was the official end of "Grammy Daycare" and what a sad day for me that was. I feel so fortunate to have my grandkids here so summers with my grandboys are very special to me. Wednesday was the first full day that I was gone from the boys since the beginning of the summer.

For the first time in all the years that I have been teaching in Apache Junction, I was so sad and frustrated that I was beginning a new school year. When I got home I really didn't want to dwell on this but I knew I had to get it out. I talked to Cy, and he wouldn't let me have a pity party for myself. He said that I could let it ruin my beginning of the year or just put it down to inexperience. I laid awake most of the night thinking of how I was going to get through this year. Do I really need to be teaching anymore? Do I want to? Do I make a difference? Will I miss what I do?

So, after thinking about what was said on Wednesday this is what I don't like:
1. I don't like someone telling me that there is no way that I can be evaluated with all commendables (proficiency is the new word) even if I am.
2. I don't like "Gloomy Gus" approach to the first day of all teacher reporting.
3. I don't like negatives because I am always a positive person.

I feel that motivating me in a small way will go further to getting me to be the best I can be. I am on campus before 6 most mornings, I work hard to find ways to motivate my students, I listen to their problems when I see something is not right with them, I do whatever duties that I have to do as assigned, I help others, I am a good listener, I am a nurse when the nurse can't help them, I am parent when a parent is lacking and discipline is needed, I try to be at events that are important to my students, etc., etc. So when I get the negative side on a day when we should be pepped up since we are frozen on the salary schedule, insurance is high, class sizes are growing, duties are increased, activities decreased, and all the gloom and doom has been delivered I have a tendency to want to rethink what I am doing here. I gave up that day with my grandkids to listen to this? So not worth it. What a sad day Wendesday was.

So wondering how I was going to look forward to the start of the school year I had choices to make. Do I allow this to ruin my year or do I move on and hope that Friday's "Welcome Back" will help me to be energized?

Thank You! Thank you! Thank you, Jim Lockwood and Chad Wilson. Jim Lockwood was hysterical in a very dry way and Chad you lead in an incredible heartfelt way. I truly felt moved that I can put Wednesday behind me and hope that was how it was planned that my principal needed to be tough because he was rebuilding after our other principal left midyear last school year. I can do most things if I am appreciated for the job I do. With so much budget cuts, I am not a stupid person that I don't know that is school year will be tough but don't kill the people that have been your soldiers when times are bad. Pump up you soldiers, and they will do anything for you or die trying.

When those first busses wheel to a stop in front of Thunder Mountain Middle School I will be ready for my first set of classes of the school year. I know I will be ready for them because I have the ability to make a successful year or not. I will be the best worker bee that I can. All that I am asking in return is to tell me occasionally that I am valued. Also encourage me to be "proficient" in all areas of my evaluation. I know I can but someone else has got to believe that I can. I would never tell any student on the first day of school that students couldn't get an A because I have high expectations so why tell me that. I refuse to accept that I am not "proficient" in all areas.

Dear Lord, guide our administrators, principals, board members and parents to be kind to the people that have an impact on the students' lives. Have them remember that compliments and encouragement go a long way to making someone feel valued. And Dear Lord, I will need your abundance strength and love to make sure I am everything to those students that I teach. Keep me strong and positive so I will remember that they are just kids. Never let me forget this. Please Lord, make sure all teachers are reminded to treat kids kindly and love them for being who they are.

The wheels of the bus go round and round.......Welcome to Thunder Mountain Middle School and Mrs. Henry's class. Let's make this year spectacular!


  1. You are ALL "commendables"/"proficents" to the ones that matter most there :) Just remember that and the rest can go to hell!

    p.s. Zane cries every day wanting to go see "Gammy" but just like you, he has important stuff to do at school - people who need him there and people he needs to be with - like his lovely Antie :)

  2. I know but sometimes it is hard not to get pissed off when they say stupid things without knowing they really sound stupid.

    I am so proud of how Zane has matured. He has such a special place in our family. He does have important things to do.

    And for the record, I miss him and think of his "big fat cheeks" everyday. I think of all the boys and wish I could be with them all day everyday. I know I still like what I do when the kids come and it makes it work my while.

    I will push on because I like this job inspite of the stupid ones.
